How To: Change Icons to Extra Large View in any Folder

Windows 7 Icons
Windows 7 gives its users the flexibility to modify the look of their operating system and the overall feel of it. As a user, you can easily change the way your icons appear on your desktop or on any folder.

You can easily modify the size of the icons of any folder according to your liking. You can make them small, medium, with thumbnails and even extra large.

In this article, we will show you how you can change your icon size to the 'Extra Large' option.

- First of all, head over to any folder for which you want to change the icons to. Now move your mouse cursor to the small list icon over on the top right side. Click on 'More Options' to show the available icon sizes.

Change Windows Icon size to Extra Large

- Now select the top most option titled 'Extra Large Icons'. This will make all your icons extra large, and easy to see and navigate.

Change Windows Icon Size to Extra Large

- Remember that you can easily change your icon size by going back to the "List Views" icon and selecting the size of your choice.

That's it!


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