How To: Remove the 'Games' option from Windows 7

Remove the 'Games' option from Windows 7
If you are like me who has no use games, particularly the ones included by default in every Windows 7 installation, then it can be a bit annoying to have them popping up in your 'All Programs' list.

The good news is that you can easily get rid of them. This is how it's done.

- First thing you need to is click on your Start menu and type in 'Windows Features' in the search bar.

Windows Features on or off

- This will open the Windows Features menu, through which you can enable/disable any service.

- Now look for the 'Games' option in the list, and un-check it.

Disable Games in Windows Features

- Wait for a moment while it processes the request.

- Also remember that you can expand the 'Games' option to selectively disable any particular game you want.

- That's it. Head over to the 'Games' explorer menu again to confirm that all games have been disabled.


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