Data Killer: Wipe out your hard drive data instantly!

Data Killer That Removes Data Instantly
So if you've been looking for a way to remove all those 'sensitive' data of yours from your hard drive which you would rather kill someone than to anyone see it, look no more!

Data Killer is here to the rescue!

This machine will instantly wipe out all the data from your hard drive by using strong magnetic feilds to basically cancel out all the data stored on your hard drive. And that too in a very short time, almost instantly!

Yeap, no more worrying about your suspicious history files! ;-)

I mean, what next would the Japanese think of! There are truly some great minds at work in that nation. Stay tuned for more awesome inventions!

And don't worry! We have the video. Here it is!


  1. The Add and Remove feature of your computer is not fully equipped to fully remove traces of programs that you have deleted, chances are, there are still a few stragglers hanging around without you knowing it.
