Facebook Promoted Posts Being Tested To Reach Users Beyond Fans

Facebook Promoted Posts Ads
Facebook is yet again trying to experiment with another feature through which advertisers could promote a single post beyond their own fans on a particular page.

This means, that all you have to do is pay and your post will be seen to millions of people who have not yet liked your page. The 'promoted post' will look exactly like a normal post on a user's feed, but with a 'Sponsored' title to help users distinguish it from their normal posts.

The reach will of course depend on the number of dollars you decide to put in the advertising, but it's clear that Facebook is now going all out to fully monetize each and every feature of it's social network.

Some people are obviously taking this announcement negatively, as many still remember the news regarding Facebook using fake bots to pump up your advertising campaign likes etc.

The reality is that Facebook is loosing it's credibility and such new 'features' only damage it's image further and make it look like it's only interest is in raking money off its user base. Some people are going as far as to say it's just a professional way of having 'paid spam' on your Facebook.


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