Microsoft Logo Change: A beginning of a new era?

Microsoft logo new 2012, new Microsoft logo
Unless you've been hiding in a cave, you might have seen the brand spanking new Microsoft Logo announced public yesterday. The change marks the first since 1987 that such a major change in the Logo has been seen.

Microsoft states that with the change in Logo and Corporate identity, comes a new era of innovation and creative technology that hopefully will put the software giant back to where it used to be; on the very top.

The new Microsoft Logo seems different, with a hint towards shifting their focus from PC to mobiles. The traditional 4 colors are still there, but they now appear in a flat square of 4.

The change also announces Microsoft's intention to experiment with new technologies and to push the boundaries of innovation and creativity. That is of course in junction with the release of Windows 8 platform due October 26th.

The company's general manager from branding and strategic spoke of the change...
The change in Logo brings 'one of the most significant waves of product launches in Microsoft's history,'
In total, this is Microsoft's 5th Logo change since the company was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates, some 37 years ago.


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