3 most useful tips and tricks in Windows 7

Windows 7 OS, Windows 7 Tips
Windows 7 is by far the most complete operating system creating by Microsoft as yet. The release of Microsoft Windows 8 might change that fact but as with all previous operating system releases, that might take a lot of time.

Users generally prefer the Windows 7 interface due to its ease of use and very high level of reliability. Those days of operating systems experiencing total failures are gone, and Windows 7 has played a very important role in achieving that.

So it is imperative that you have a good grip on your system to extract the maximum benefit from it. We are laying down the 3 most useful tips and tricks in Windows 7.

1. Remember your shortcuts!

- Windows + Left / Windows + Right

This combo will shift your open window to either left or right, covering half part of your screen. It's a nice thing to have when you need to organize all your windows quickly.

- Windows + (Number)

This combo will open up the particular window in your taskbar. So if you press the number 1, the first window on your taskbar will open up. It's a neat option to have if you don't want to scroll around with mouse.

- Windows + E

Opens up your My Computer window. Good to remember this if you don't want to minimize all of those active windows to get to your My Computer icon on the desktop.

2. Reveal hidden drives in your system

Windows 7 generally doesn't show drives such as the floppy disk, or any micro card reader you might have. If you want them to be displayed on your My Computer screen, you can easily do that. Just head over to Folder Options (Organize ---> Folder and Search options), and select View.

Uncheck the option for 'Hide empty drives in My Computer folder'. Done!

3. Arrange your files by artists, songs, date, and various other methods

There are a variety of ways you can arrange your files in folders, and Windows 7 allows you to easily do that. For songs, it allows many options like authors, track rating, and so on. Other options include track length, artists etc.

There are various other very helpful tricks that you can learn to maximize your operating system's experience. We'll be covering more in another article soon.


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