iPhone 5 Rumors: Apple working on a larger battery unit

iphone 5 release, iphone 5 rumors, iphone 5 battery
We are still a couple of months away from the official release of the new iPhone 5, but rumors and news regarding it's specifications are all over the place. Apple fanatics want to get all the news they can get which can help them on what to expect to expect from the new release.

Various credible sources are suggesting that the iPhone 5 will definitely have a larger battery to support a much longer battery life. This will be made possible with the help of 1440mAh non-removable cell batteries.

It's important to note that this upgrade is not really that significant, in fact it's pretty much just 10mAh greater than what the battery of the iPhone 4S gave in terms of capacity. However, if Apple churns out a chipset that is more power efficient, only then can we it's real benefits.

Apple's announcement regarding the release date of the iPhone 5 is expected on 12th of September, with many putting the release sometime in October 2012.


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