Google + Introduces Vanity (Custom) URLs For Pages

Google + Vanity URLs for pages
Google + users have long been awaiting this announcement and it's finally been made. Officials at Google have announced that Vanity URLs or Custom URLs will soon be available for user's profile and pages. 

This means that users could set their own personalized usernames instead of the long chain of vague numbers and characters that come up with the G + URL of a page. 

It is interesting to note that some famous celebrities like Britney Spears, David Beckham and top brands like Toyota and Hugo Boss have already acquired custom URLs. Google's own official page also has a custom URL. 

Another update regarding this announcement is that the feature of Vanity URL's will currently be only available for verified Google + users. Verification can be done through submitting a formal request with your name, address and G+ page/profile that you want a Vanity/Custom URL for. 

Before this, Google + users had to use third party applications like for making custom URL's for their Google + pages.


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