Facebook Photos gets a whole new improvement

New Facebook Photos Upgrade
Last year it was the Timeline upgrade that changed Facebook and its design massively and ever since the world's largest social network has been hard at it to change and re-change its look and feel.

The latest addition in the design changes includes a massive overhaul of the Photos section of the website. Now your Photos on Facebook will appear much bigger in size, almost like a mosaic of photos. The users have also been given the ability to select their favorites, which will make those photos standout from the crowd.

This change of course can be traced to the success of photo-sharing websites like Pinterest, and Facebook does not want to left behind in the craze of 'pinning' your favorite photos. It's quite clear that users now prefer a visual experience on their social networks and Facebook has quite rightly responded to that.

The changes are still in process and some users might still have the old interface. The full effect might take a few days so keep checking your photos section!


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