A Gay Character in DC Comics?

Gay Superhero DC Comics
A gay superhero? 
DC Comics have 'come out of the closet' with their announcement of promising that we might see a gay superhero sometime in the future. 
“One of the major iconic DC characters will reveal that he is gay in a storyline in June,” said the Senior Vice President of Publicity, Mr. Courtney Simmons.
But hang on to your hats, because DC Comics are still yet to reveal the name or characteristics of this gay superhero. But it is going to happen. After all, we have a lesbian Batwoman, and a bi-sexual woman 'Voodoo'.
It is quite positive to see DC Comics going with such a bold decision. 
So. What do you all think about this news? Are there any other superheroes that need to 'come out of the closet' so to say? Hulk maybe?!


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